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2017年11 月 27 号,美国即时诊断厂家 Quidel 发布公告,将贝克曼库尔特告上法庭。到底是什么事情让两家公司对簿公堂?

起因是为了更好的服务于客户,贝克曼库尔特想绕开 Quidel,直接将 BNP 试剂卖给客户,这与之前的合作协议有冲突。之前的协议是,贝克曼从 Quidel 购买 BNP 抗体,贝克曼生产试剂后,再卖给 Quidel,由 Quidel 卖给贝克曼的 BNP 试剂用户。


说来话长,14 年前,贝克曼就从 Biosite 购买 BNP 抗体原料,后来 Biosite 被美艾利尔收购,又从美艾利尔买。2017 年美艾利尔被雅培收购,把 Triage 的心肌标志物、毒理学和 BNP 业务分拆卖给了 Quidel,贝克曼就只能从 Quidel 购买 BNP 原料了。

那么执行了 14 年的协议,贝克曼怎么就按捺不住要搞事情呢。说起来贝克曼也是一肚子火,贝克曼对 Triage 的 BNP 业务心仪已久,早在 14 年前就从 Biosite 购买 BNP 原料,2007 年本有意收购 Biosite,无奈被美艾利尔截胡。

2017 年美艾利尔被雅培收购,需要分拆 Triage 免/疫分析业务和 Epoc 血气分析业务,贝克曼也是志在必得,结果*终这两大业务分别花落 Quidel 和西门子,贝克曼专业陪跑 10 年,再次鸡飞蛋打一场空。这段恩怨可以参见医业观察之前的文章《一桩并购引发的往日豪门恩怨:美艾利尔、贝克曼、雅培、Quidel》。

你说 Traige 被美艾利尔和雅培抢走,贝克曼也算认栽了。Quidel 是哪根葱,2016 年销售额才 1.91 亿美元,不及贝克曼的一个零头,被 Quidel 收购的 Triage 的心肌标志物、毒理学和 BNP 业务 2016 年的销售额都有 1.97 亿美元。居然要让 Quidel 渗透到贝克曼所有 BNP 的用户渠道,卧榻之侧,岂容他人鼾睡?

何况几周前贝克曼的母公司丹纳赫集团向 Quidel 提出要收购 BNP 业务,被 Quidel 严词拒绝,声称这个出价很不够,BNP 业务还是整合进 Quidel 公司更能为股东创造更大的价值。

Quidel 进可攻,退可守,摆明了要宰丹纳赫一刀,也难怪贝克曼咽不下这口气要修改协议。

这场戏里似乎没有雅培多少事情,其实真正的大佬都在幕后。就像笔者之前在《分拆美艾利尔,为什么接盘侠是 Quidel 和西门子》中预测的一样,雅培对 Triage 免/疫分析业务和 Epoc 血气业务的处置是大有讲究的 :




推测雅培当然不愿意 i STAT 多一个强有力的竞争对手。不卖给贝克曼,不是钱的问题,是原则问题。

而卖给 Quidel,不但对雅培无关痛痒,而且能让贝克曼如鲠在喉,一箭双雕。


我仿佛看到贝克曼和 Quidel 在法庭交锋的时候,一旁的雅培大师羽扇纶巾,笑而不语。

以下是 Quidel 官网的原文,供业内英语学霸参考。

Quidel Confident in Legal Strength and Validity of Supply Agreement with Beckman Coulter to Sell BNP Assay Assets

SAN DIEGO-- ( BUSINESS WIRE ) --Nov. 27, 2017-- Quidel Corporation ( NASDAQ: QDEL ) ( "Quidel" ) , a provider of rapid diagnostic testing solutions, cellular-based virology assays and molecular diagnostic systems, acknowledged Beckman Coulter ( "Beckman" ) plans to pursue commercial litigation to allow it to sell BNP directly to customers, contrary to its agreement with Quidel for the development, manufacture, and supply of a B-type Naturietic Peptide ( BNP ) assay for the diagnosis of cardiac disease ( heart failure ) ( the "Supply Agreement" ) .

Quidel views Beckman ’ s claims as meritless, and in opposition to Beckman ’ s long-standing strategy of honoring the Supply Agreement with its previous partners – Alere and Biosite – over the last 14 years, and merely a tool in an effort to purchase the BNP assay business from Quidel. Quidel plans to vigorously defend the validity of the Supply Agreement and is confident in its legal position.

In recent weeks, the Board of Directors of Quidel unanimously rejected offers by Beckman ’ s parent company, Danaher Corporation ( "Danaher" ) , to acquire the BNP assay business. The Board found that Danaher ’ s proposal was inadequate for the BNP assay business, and believes the execution of Quidel ’ s long-term strategy, including the integration of its recently acquired assets, will create substantial long-term value for Quidel ’ s shareholders.

On October 6, 2017, Quidel acquired certain assets and rights from Alere, which were divested as part of Abbott Laboratories ’ acquisition of Alere. Under the Supply Agreement, which Alere acquired from Biosite and Quidel acquired from Alere, Quidel provides to Beckman certain proprietary antibodies ( developed under a license with Scios ) , Beckman manufactures assays ( compatible with Beckman analyzers ) , Beckman sells the assays to Quidel, which in turn sells the assays to customers for use on Beckman analyzers. Pursuant to the terms of the Supply Agreement, the Supply Agreement, including its non-compete provision, remains in effect so long as the Scios license remains in effect.

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